Efficiency or Resiliency?


The way that companies do business will be forever changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a McKinsey survey, close to 75 percent of businesses experienced issues in the production, distribution and supplier footprint that will require changes in the future. 93 percent of respondents plan to increase resilience across the supply chain.

In an article published in Brushware Magazine, Lisa Anderson says that “the pandemic has proven resiliency has become a MUST. The ability to respond and be agile has gained importance.” In many cases businesses think they have to choose between resiliency in their supply chain and efficiencies that bring them cost savings. Those very efficiencies have proven to be costly when the global supply chain sees an interruption like a pandemic. Companies need to find a balance between resiliency and efficiency to help protect their supply chain from future interruptions while still gaining cost advantages against their competitors.

Our ability to manufacture quality products close to home can provide a more reliable supply chain while keeping your prices extremely competitive. Since the vast majority of our products are manufactured right here in Missouri, you can be sure to get the best of both quality and price!